Sure, I'll get to that... right after I completely lose my mind for just a sec.
All right, I know all the books and experts say there is a transition period when you bring your children out of school to educate them at home. Many people like to use this time for "deschooling." But didn't they just have summer for that? And when did "deschooling" include pummeling your sibling on the trampoline and incorporating the word "no" into every spoken sentence?
Come on people, this is supposed to be fun. Why can't we just enjoy learning? Look, look at me! I am really excited about this stuff! Where is your natural curiosity and inner drive to learn about the world around you? Oh, oh, I know... you dropped it somewhere in Webkinz World, or on the battlefield in the World of Warcraft.
By the way, if I hear the words "Two Week Free Trial, pleasepleaseplease" one more time I can not be held responsible for what happens to the computer... or my son.
Whew, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Right-o. Anyway, back to our day. All of this craziness was happening... and my reediness only bends so far before- ssssnap! I really. Did. Sit. On. My. Couch. Very. Very. Quietly. Like one of those creepy ceramic clown dolls resting in shadows in the corner of a dark, silent room. I think my children actually held their breath.
And then, an epiphany descended upon me like a yellow plastic oxygen mask dropping from the airplane's overhead compartment. I had to make this work for me just as much as for my kids. I realized at that moment that I didn't have to stick to the lesson plans that I wrote in the planners. That's why we home school in the first place... it's flexible! And, unlike the passengers on an AirTran flight to Orlando during spring break, we are sitting calmly at the controls with no-place to go fast.
I finally asked my kids to sit on the couch with me. I think they were terrified, because they were watching me sit quietly with blank and quizzical expressions frozen on their sweet little faces. They squished in on either side of me... and I... read them a book. It wasn't the historical fiction chapter book I had planned on reading out loud to them each day. It was a picture book about a Medieval feast. It was funny, and we laughed. The pictures were great, and the descriptions of every station in life from Duke to the Privy Scooper were incredibly entertaining.
I had to really stop caring about weather or not other people, including you dear friend, think we are doing enough work. Or doing the "right" work. We had to just do what felt right for us in that moment, during this one day. I think after that, we all breathed easier.
Later in the evening, the family gathered around our chalk board wall (complete with world map and time line in progress). After a little rallying of the troops by dad, Asher and Cady were able to spit out tons of facts about Medieval Europe... many of which came from that story on the couch.
Tomorrow we plan on taking the Medieval "jobs" and making them into crazy, funny "wanted" posters and comic strips. Or not. We'll let you know at the end of the day tomorrow.
Oh, on a delicious side note, Asher made an apple pie entirely by himself today. For the most part, I wasn't even in the kitchen! He wanted to go back on the computer because he had absolutely nothing else to do, and I arbitrarily blurted out, "Why don't you make a pie?" He did. After dinner and a play date at the park, he served it to us himself- a la mode. He did Grandpa's recipe justice (mmmm)... you know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Not that my opinion matters but YOU ARE DOING ENOUGH! You are doing GREAT work! You will be a wonderful homeschooling family <3
ReplyDeleteI think there's something here even for those of us who aren't currently homeschooling. I needed the reminder to breathe and let go. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteJust found you from Jessica's blog and am starting at the beginning. I am a single mom of a 10 year old girl. She loves Webkinz and I love WOW so I can so identify.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to getting to know you.