Today started out insane. I hate technology (says a girl who sits blogging while her iPhone is plugged in on the desk and her laptop is at a dear friend's home being repaired)! Okay, what I mean is that I have a love-hate relationship with techno-gadgets. While I think in some ways they make life easier (blogs, research, interactive math curriculum, Netflix... what?), I also think my relationship with my son would be much better without them.
This morning was insane because we had to set our alarms early so we could all get up and take our dog to the vet for her scheduled yearly checkup. What was I thinking? Asher and alarms? I should have known! But we made it on time. Well, mom-on-time... three minutes late!
On to the grocery store where the kids were starving and I was seriously deprived of my morning caffeine. In come the doughnuts and chocolate milk. Seriously, bad mommy moment.
One sugar rush later (and still no food or coffee down mom's gullet), I found myself witness to an epic iPhone battle! It went something like this: Asher has the phone and is playing a game (with his sticky icing fingers no less). I say, "It's time to go." Cady grabs the phone out of his hands. He grabs back and... oops... iPhone free fall! It didn't actually break, this time. But I'm glad the windows were shut.
Here's a fun kitchen-experiment for all you home schooled scientists. Take one mommy (said mommy must be empty of all caffeine and sustenance... and for best results, sleep deprived). Add one sugar-hyped ten year old and one bossy seven year old. Shake well with a "drop" of iPhone. What do you get? Instant explosion! It's really cool to watch! Everything within a twenty foot radius freezes in place!
Okay, bad mommy moment number two. (I told you this was uncensored.)
It seems to me that most arguments and temper tantrums in my house are caused by electronic devices and their hold on my children. One child in particular, but we won't name names. So what's the best medicine for an electro-overload? A day without. At Greenfield Village... another one of those Detroit gems!
I needed a break from being "teacher." After the kids made their own sub sandwiches, and I filled my travel mug with hot coffee loaded with cream (organic, of course), we were off to the village. And I was so grateful for our Henry Ford pass today! I got to be a student right alongside the kids. The first cool lesson learned was map-reading! Asher held the map, and I told the kids I would be a follower on their quest. First time reading a map, he got us safely to the candy store! Bravo!
Now I'd like you to meet some of our teachers:
Tinsmith Lady (whose name I have forgotten). She thought my kids were so thoughtful and inquisitive that she gave them a special little "gift" as we were leaving. (Shhhhh, it a secret.)
Then there was Bob, the gentleman who taught my kids how to card wool, and told them that it used to take twenty-five hours to knit one pair of wool socks!
And of course, Dave the glassblower is one guy the kids definitely want to come back and see when they are fourteen so they can make their own glass flower!
These were just a few of their "teachers" at Greenfield Village today. One of my favorites was Ted the Model-T driver, who gave a such a wonderful personalized "tour" of the different neighborhoods. Asher even sat in the front next to him, asked him questions, answered his quick math scenarios (i.e. If the light house was built in 1632, how old is it now?), and joyfully treated him with the respect a teacher is due.
It made a mommy proud. Even a "bad," busy mommy!
We all ended up enjoying ourselves so much, that we agreed to go back soon for the Taste of Autumn weekend so we can sample apple butter, cider, and other such delicacies!
When we got home, Asher jumped right on the computer as I conjured up some delicacies of my own for dinner. But, he was still full of surprises! When the neighbor boy knocked at the door, he quickly logged off of his game and went outside to play. For a point of reference: The neighbor kids now ask, "Can Asher play, or is he on the computer?"
It's not that he spends a TON of time on there (we DO limit it to one hour a day, sometimes a little extra). But he was always doing it first thing after school when the other kids were outside! Now I generally let him take his hour before the bus pulls into our neighborhood! Anyway, today a milestone was passed... he chose to go out instead of play in virtual goblin world.
By the end of the night (and after we watched a movie about peace and interconnectedness at the library), I hope to keep my windows open at all times... the real kind made of glass that let the breeze in and the noise out!
glass flowers? the teenagers I knew who were into glass blowing were making, um, other things... :)
ReplyDeleteGlad your day at the village was so nice.
Hahaha! These were really beautiful! I want to go back and make one!